Tsdc On Stage with “No Inhibitions” 2020 April 18, 2020
I’ve been sitting on this shoot for quite sometime. This show happened right before our world turned upside down, and I could not find the motivation while trying to establish a “new normal” for my family to go edit it.
I have since given myself permission to feel proud of this groups accomplishment, smile at the quirky, take pause at the beauty, and continue to embrace and celebrate the uniqueness that is thirtySomething Dance. As a collective, we grow and evolve each year, but this year is special for so many reasons.As each of us in this group has a necessary flair for the dramatic, it is not an overstatement to say that these dancers are keeping me grounded, sane, and on the right side of crazy…just barely during these challenging times.
I’ll be dipping into our costumes stored here in my basement in the coming weeks for backyard trampoline dance parties with my twins, in thirtySomething Dance’s honor!