tsdc On Stage for “Stark Ravin Mod” April 4, 2019
These dancing ladies are my fellow warriors. We are both fearless and vulnerable, brave and broken, embrace our authentic selves and love to escape our real lives for rehearsals each week. I honestly don’t know what I’d do without them.
Being a part of thirtySomething dance draws from you creativity, dedication, compassion and patience, and delivers so much more than a performance opportunity. Onstage and more importantly behind the scenes, the whole of tsdc has become so much greater than the sum of it’s parts.
It has been my privilege and a true joy to share our 15 years of famous in our own minds with these dancing ladies, and to watch this little co’op evolve over the years from “we’re aiming for slightly above lame” to fully embracing this year’s Stark Ravin Mod potential.