The Conrad Family September 1, 2015
This post is called “The Conrad Family” because it started out as a family session. But, at two and a half, today’s little one gave me “The Many Moods of Sofia”. We started off quite shy, and Nannie was there to help with singing familiar songs. Few more stops, and she was starting to “get” me. About half way through, we bonded over a squirrel sighting, and i suggested she pick a wild flower, sit down and see if the squirrel would come eat it. Then we were off to the races. I gained mad street cred when she realized i knew my Curious George material and voices. Scroll to the last family grouping. That is the “aaaaaaand I”m done” frame which saw us change gears and head to the water. Sofia, it was a pleasure. Mom and Dad, thanks for letting me play with your kid. Be sure to show Sofia the “i’m done” frame when she’s a teenager. I’m sure you’ll be seeing that look again.