Shannon & Andrew August 2, 2015
Shannon, Andrew and everyone surrounding them on their big day were “Feelin Good”. The couple were married at the Oakfield Golf Course here in Nova Scotia, a laid back venue that oozes rural charm and sophistication. The couple built enough time into their schedule to drive around the course on golf carts, soaking in and shooting around the beautiful course that was once family owned farm land. Both Shannon and Andrew share a self pronounced love of anything nerdy (I can’t tell you what those equations as table markers meant) but they showed how well rounded their relationship is by starting off their dance with some West Coast Swing. Shannon explained that they would be doing a true lead/follow dance that would be negotiated in real time, and that within one song, they would even trade who was lead and follow. They even let their flower girl Charlotte roll a dice to decide the first song, and they scored Michael Buble. As someone who dabbles in latin dance with my hubby(with twin toddlers often underfoot), let me tell you guys that if you keep dancing together, leading and following, thinking enough to be nerdy smart, but open enough to go where the music tells you to go, your marriage will stay strong.