Hot Mess High, Like Totally! March 30, 2018
I love dancing with the ladies of thirtySomething Dance Co-Op. The 80’s were an unrelenting hot mess. There’s only a handful of this cast who were raised in the 80’s, and it has been quite a ride trying to enlighten our younger members just how much of a mess we’re talkin’. From Jane Fonda’s Jazzercise clips to a roller-skating Xanadu final dance scenes, youTube has made me a happy reminiscer these past few months while choreographing and creating. There was so much to be inspired by this show theme it was a bit overwhelming to edit down. The synthesizer music, lace and asymmetry fashion, and writhe and reach dancing was all so deliciously bad. Thanks to Stacey for being the only one who got my Flock of Seaguls joke, and to the rest of the cast for always being willing. You’ll see what I mean when you look below.