Daley & Finck February 16, 2016
“The flowers smell like broccoli. Seriously they do, smell them.” That’s what i overheard while shooting details of Sara getting ready to marry Alex. The day was filled with those types of moments: total beauty mixed with quirky, laugh out loud fun. At first, Sara and Alex thought they were brilliant for organizing a wedding during their university reading week. Closer to their February 13th date they realized it had quite a few obstacles the usual summertime wedding does not face. Snow, -10 degrees, and a date the day before valentines day but to name a few of those challenging elements. Sara made up for the cold with her “let’s do it” attitude. She talks really fast when she’s telling funny stories and is game for anything. There was never a question her groom, and her wedding party would follow her anywhere in the snow! I love the Gatsby / Madmen vibe the two gave me in the lobby of Halifax’s Prince George Hotel on a cold winter’s night. Shout out to Jeff Knee of Audio Pro got the multi-generational party started on the dance floor. All around, it was a great way to cover an “Indoor” wedding. Thanks for trusting me with your story Sara. And thanks Alex for the strong, silent, smokey attitude you let me capture, which i’m sure was equal parts inspired by Sara and the Martini in your hand.